Monday, December 11, 2023

Peter Went Fishing


The account of  Peter fishing with some of the other disciples captured my attention one day. It’s in the Gospel of John. Peter and a few other disciples went fishing after Jesus' death and resurrection, that’s right, he went fishing and the others followed. What was going on in his head during this crisis? 

BeforeThe Fishing Trip:

Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny him 3 times. Peter was incredulous at the idea, he loved and believed Jesus' message. He was confident that he would never abandon Jesus, but he did, and he was filled with shame and remorse. That’s the state he was in when Jesus died, and like the others he was also shocked, heartbroken and afraid. When the first account of the resurrection came to them, Peter wanted to believe that Jesus was alive so he ran to his tomb. As crazy as it sounded, maybe he had come back from the dead? Maybe, he would get a chance to see him and tell him just how sorry he was. Amazing! His garments were on the floor, but yet again, another disappointment, Jesus was not at the tomb. So he decided to go back to fishing.

The Fishing Trip

Peter knew how to fish, he was comfortable in that position and there in his old life Jesus showed up. Despite his failure the other disciples expected Peter to lead them. Those that were there that day were experienced fishermen. They knew what they were doing and where to go for good fish, yet they caught nothing all night. Then, Jesus asked them if they caught anything, they had to acknowledge their empty nets. They didn’t recognize Jesus and Jesus didn’t identify himself, he simply commanded them to cast their nets on the right side this time. It’s amazing to me that despite their fatigue and discouragement they did! The disciples cast their net and another miracle happened. After it was pointed out to Peter that it was Jesus at the edge of the water, in his reactionary fashion, he jumped into the water and swam to Him. Peter forgot his past failure, in the presence of the Lord he was strong again. Jesus wanted to see the fish they caught when they followed his instruction. 150 large fish! Peter and the others enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with Jesus and the terrible recent past was almost forgotten.

Except that the reality of the major changes had to be faced, Peter needed to face himself. As they are finishing their breakfast, basking in the wonder, Jesus asked, “Simon son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?” Peter in his self confident way responded “Yes, Lord, you know I love you.” He knew that Jesus had forgiven him. “Then feed my lambs” Peter had to feed them what they needed to make it in the kingdom. Then Jesus said, Simon son of Jonah, do you love me? Again, all Peter could say, “Yes Lord, you know that I do” Jesus now said “Then take care of my sheep”  Peter would be tempted to deny Jesus again, he wouldn’t want to take care of those stubborn foolish sheep. Jesus was again foretelling what would come.  Finally Jesus asked a third time “Simon Son of Jonah, do you love me?” Peter, acknowledged his Lordship, his omnipotence by saying “Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you” Now Peter understood, what Jesus was calling him to do was going to prove his true love. It was very possible that he would fail again. He would suffer, could he still love Jesus? He would be humiliated, could he still love Jesus? He would give his life, could he remain faithful? Peter would need the strength and power of Jesus to do God's will, to be a fisher of men. At that moment, as he’s getting called back to the ministry, he wants to know about the future of another disciple. Oh Peter, so quick to get out of his own lane! 

It’s now well over two thousands of years since that day, yet the story lives on and is applicable today still. Crisis comes to all of us. Have I failed Jesus? Can I keep my eyes on what God has called me to do and endure to the end? Only because of the death of Christ can my sin be washed away and only by his resurrection can I live because He lives in me. 

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