Friday, March 29, 2024

Expect God To Fullfill His Promises


This post might be all over the place as I separate things in my head. These thoughts come from a very real need I have and I am approaching my very real God, knowing that I can. 


What can I expect from God? Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen. What is your expectation based on? On facts? Is your expectation resting on the past? Is your expectation based on your accomplishments?  My expectation is based on Gods promises. God promises many things besides eternal life. I expect salvation, deliverance, miracles, healings, breakthroughs, peace, provision, protection and joy. If I’m asking God to provide for me financially, I expect that he will. However, if I’m limiting God to a way, a time, a place, a specific pay or job, then I’m not basing it on his promise to provide all my needs. If I expect God to fulfill His promises, then I will completely trust him.


Entitlement is a right to a particular privilege or benefit granted by law or custom.

I am nervous to even approach the examination of this word because I’ve always seen it in a negative view, until just now. 

When I believed and accepted Christ as my Savior, this entitled me to be Gods child. His daughter! This is huge! I know that as a mother I give my children access to me and in my limited resources when they with son/daughter privilege come to me I do all that I can to help them and bless them. Now God, the omnipotent God of the universe gives me access into his kingdom?! He does. So long as my faith is in Christ, I can approach my Abba Father all day long. However, entitlement gets twisted and knotted when I believe I actually deserve all the gifts God gives me. Then follows the attitude of ungratefulness. Yes, as Gods beloved child I can ask him for anything, I can expect good from him, but what I, a sinner, deserve he doesn’t give me. Instead He gives me mercy and pulls me out of the path to hell. He gives me grace and helps me choose His Narrow Path. 


Faith is believing what I cannot see, like Almighty God.  As I seek Jesus, my God my faith grows and it fuels my hope. Now, hope sees the ugly and prays for beauty from the ashes of destruction. Faith fueled by hope will pray for the impossible, expecting God to do his good will, in his perfect time. It is only when my eyes are on the blessing, the thing I’m praying for. When I’m praying and hoping for a certain outcome, and I hold my breath until this thing happens but it doesn’t, that's when hope is deferred. At this point my hope has been placed on something. But all is not lost, God is merciful, and he helps me look past the “desired thing” to Him. When my ultimate hope is in Christ and his plan I will rest, yes rest in Gods promises. 

Then I can confidently conclude that I should expect God to fulfill his promises, as I am his daughter, part of his family and house and legally entitled to his treasures because of the sacrifice of Jesus. Therefore I will hope in God and be grateful for the Resurrection.

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