Monday, June 24, 2024

Prayer Time and Grandkids

Prayer is important to me. The Different times, the different ways, with different people, but always to the one true God; Jesus Christ. 

I posted this on my "other blog"

 I had a recent comment on it and it prompted me reread it, then I decided it was fitting to post it here. 

    My Middle of the Day Prayer Time With My Grandsons.

I have been reading and hearing a lot about the power of prayer. Pero que este bien claro, that I’m speaking about praying to Jesus Christ, God Almighty. Y pues I’ve been asking, you know, praying, that He would enlarge me so that I might pray with confidence to the God who wants to bless me as He does His will here on earth. 

Pray often, pray sincerely, pray with faith, pray without ceasing, pray with child-like faith and pray for others. Hijole! Luego, I wonder, if we did do prayer like this, what would that look like? 

Often- as in frequently. Hmmm, in the morning, in the middle of the day, en la tarde and at bedtime. Is that often Lord?

Sincerely-like with an engaged mind, not just repetition. With feeling, like what I’m bringing to the prayer room is heavy Lord, I need help…desperately.

Without ceasing-like that request is always, on my mind, with persistence until something happens.

With Childlike faith- like with brutal honesty, with complete expectancy that I will get an answer, with confidence that my Abba Father is paying attention to me. With assurance that my request isn’t outrageous, impossible, bothersome or absolutely out of the question, for Him.

Praying for others-applying all of the above, allowing your heart to be burdened by someone else’s need for a miracle, need for relief, need for break through. 

That’s what I've been practicing. El otro dia,  my grandsons were around and I was going to stop my busyness and pray. I decided to pray in front of them. I don't have to describe what little boys' energy level is like, verdad? Off the charts! They were busy playing, arguing and strategies all at once, while jumping around. I was getting dizzy. Y de repente, Ama says, “I’m gonna pray boys, do you have something you want me to pray about for you? They looked at me like I was speaking in Spanish (a foreign language to them.)  Daniella says they’re learning though, que Dios los bendiga!  When I repeated my question they thought about it and gave their requests to me. Braye, the 7 year old, said he must have more play time with his dad. Judah the 6 year old said “I want to pray for more food” (he said that while clearing the crumbs from his shirt after his snack) and Marcus the 9 year old, was over thinking how to put in his request, definitely not thinking with child-like simplicity at that moment.  

I started praying. I have to close my eyes when I pray, helps me not to be distracted. As I was trying to gather all my thoughts, trying to be sincere and fervent, I noticed the absolute silence. No fidgeting. Que?! Those rambunctious little boys were intently listening. Hijole! The pressure. I forced my thoughts to focus and pray sincerely. I prayed for others and then more others and they were still, 15 minutes of calm, I was amazed. Pero, as soon as they heard their petition voiced their attention was gone. Y por supuesto I wondered if I would be able to engage them into my prayer time again.

En Conclusion

Praying in the middle of the day is usually a very intentional act. I have my alarm set, because if I don’t, in all my busyness I’ll pass it right up. Sometimes it’s incredible, other times it's ok, not much emotion, because I’m focusing and struggling to stay engaged. De repente, in my frustration, as I’m reaching out gathering all the loose random thoughts that interrupt my prayer,  Jesus lets me know, he hears me. He sups with me and I cry. Y mira, other times I’m moving right along, somedays the long list worries me, que tonta! My God is not intimidated by a long list. Por supuesto que sabes, God is always with us, verdad? But, sometimes his presence is so very present, He fills the room, my little living room is electrified suddenly.That afternoon with my little grandsons, something good happened! As they listened, they also believed and I was extra glad for my mid day prayer partners that day.  God hugged us all that day, I could tell they liked it and so did I.

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