Thursday, August 22, 2024

Who Is Jesus?

I’ve been working on this post for a couple of days, it has been a bit of a struggle. I pulled out “bible lingo to sound spiritual because I want to sound like I know the answer. Then, I removed it because it sound religious and puffed up. Or, I sounded like I’m working hard to convince you that Jesus is more than a historic figure or just another god. I erased it all and started over with this post and decided to share my bible reading experience one morning. Just a regular weekday morning, when I open up my bible with my cup of coffee and enjoy my reading and devotionals. 

When I was finished with my “assigned” reading from my yearly plan, I picked up my devotional books and Gods Promises books, I love ending my reading time with these.

This passage in the gospel of Mark 8: 27-29 shocked me. Jesus wanted to know what people were saying about him and he wanted to know what his disciples were thinking and saying about him. Like in those ancient days, many people are still saying something about Jesus. Good, bad and wrong things.  

 It’s an important question, Who is Jesus to you? You might be surprised at the answers people come up with. Of course I know the answer to that question, Jesus is God, the resurrected savior who rescued my soul, changed my life many years ago and has remained a part of my everyday existence. He is my Savior, Deliverer and Lord. Right here is when another thought was provoked. Is Jesus the Lord of all of my life? It should be evident by what people say about me. And of course then I wondered, who do people say that I am? Is my character shaped by His Word? Does his Holy Spirit traffic through my different relationships and the “different hats” I wear in my life? Do I live my life around who Jesus is? Are His plans my priority? Is His Will my goal? 

Do people see Jesus beyond my nationality? American,  Mexican-American Or am I just a Strong Latina woman? 😀 Do they see that yes I’m Mrs.Greene with Jesus helping me build my house ? In my parenting, did my little children see Jesus in my life, not just hear the “Christianese” but see the evidence of his presence in me? Have my adult kids been able to follow a good example of "Jesus first"? What kind of friend have I been? The best kind is the one who points you to Jesus and walks with you on His narrow path.

I’ve had a wonderful relationship with my sisters, they knew I was born again, one led me to Jesus 40 years ago and then 15 years ago I led my 2 older sisters to salvation and today they rest in his peace. They’ve seen my shortcomings, but I believe they’ve also seen my continuing conversion through the years. 

I have lived my life intentionally conscious of Jesus. When I was 18, I stepped out of religion and accepted Jesus and I wanted the whole world to know who Jesus is. Jesus is the one true Messiah. He came to save the lost, like me, He loves us so much he was willing to give everything to purchase our redemption. 

I love when Jesus knocks at the door of my heart. He knocks often and we sup together, but sometimes, moments with God are electrifying. His word comes alive, more than just comforting words on a page. I'm convicted and challenged, I'm affected by His word and I "check myself." The moment sticks to the walls of my mind and I tell everyone that listens, about these landmarks that Jesus gives .

As you’re about your business, who do you say Jesus is? 


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