Thursday, September 26, 2024

Marriage is Gods Plan



Yesterday was my wedding day anniversary and I was busy celebrating 36 years of marriage with the love of my life. He was very sweet in church last night, he said publicly in front of our congregation,  "She is my crown, it is because of God that we have survived" I looked at him, both of us aware of the valleys and a "near death" experience our marriage has faced. Anniversary celebrations are for us to remember all the blessings of God despite all the storms of life.  I eagerly nodded, agreeing that God is with us.  

Gods plan for marriage is a good one, A man shall leave his father and mother and unite with his wife and they shall become one. Since that day that God instituted marriage, sin/rebellion and chaos entered the world, but his plan remains perfect. Only in the will of God  will imperfect husbands (men) and wives (women) be able to keep marriage vows, imperfectly of course, but God! He gives us mercy and grace and vision. 

In 36 years we have experienced Gods covering in our home and growing family. I'm eternally grateful for my marriage to my Benjamin. He is my covering and I am his helpmeet. Together we have 4 children, that believe in the one true God; Jesus, and they lean on him daily.  Now, in our older years we rejoice in grandparenting, 8 amongst us and one on the way soon.  they are our inheritance and we absolutely love them. But, with no kids to raise we are refocusing on us and appreciating this chance to refresh. Imagine, we now have time to talk and to go out on dates and to travel! wonderful blessings. 

Marriage is a good thing, I recommend it. Now remember young girl, the wedding day, the day you say your vows is only the beginning of a beautiful journey with your husband IF you remain in Gods narrow path always. If that sounds dramatic, it is. A good marriage is hardwork, investing in Gods tools and Gods way seems costly at times, but it is absolutely worth it! 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Who Is Jesus?

I’ve been working on this post for a couple of days, it has been a bit of a struggle. I pulled out “bible lingo to sound spiritual because I want to sound like I know the answer. Then, I removed it because it sound religious and puffed up. Or, I sounded like I’m working hard to convince you that Jesus is more than a historic figure or just another god. I erased it all and started over with this post and decided to share my bible reading experience one morning. Just a regular weekday morning, when I open up my bible with my cup of coffee and enjoy my reading and devotionals. 

When I was finished with my “assigned” reading from my yearly plan, I picked up my devotional books and Gods Promises books, I love ending my reading time with these.

This passage in the gospel of Mark 8: 27-29 shocked me. Jesus wanted to know what people were saying about him and he wanted to know what his disciples were thinking and saying about him. Like in those ancient days, many people are still saying something about Jesus. Good, bad and wrong things.  

 It’s an important question, Who is Jesus to you? You might be surprised at the answers people come up with. Of course I know the answer to that question, Jesus is God, the resurrected savior who rescued my soul, changed my life many years ago and has remained a part of my everyday existence. He is my Savior, Deliverer and Lord. Right here is when another thought was provoked. Is Jesus the Lord of all of my life? It should be evident by what people say about me. And of course then I wondered, who do people say that I am? Is my character shaped by His Word? Does his Holy Spirit traffic through my different relationships and the “different hats” I wear in my life? Do I live my life around who Jesus is? Are His plans my priority? Is His Will my goal? 

Do people see Jesus beyond my nationality? American,  Mexican-American Or am I just a Strong Latina woman? 😀 Do they see that yes I’m Mrs.Greene with Jesus helping me build my house ? In my parenting, did my little children see Jesus in my life, not just hear the “Christianese” but see the evidence of his presence in me? Have my adult kids been able to follow a good example of "Jesus first"? What kind of friend have I been? The best kind is the one who points you to Jesus and walks with you on His narrow path.

I’ve had a wonderful relationship with my sisters, they knew I was born again, one led me to Jesus 40 years ago and then 15 years ago I led my 2 older sisters to salvation and today they rest in his peace. They’ve seen my shortcomings, but I believe they’ve also seen my continuing conversion through the years. 

I have lived my life intentionally conscious of Jesus. When I was 18, I stepped out of religion and accepted Jesus and I wanted the whole world to know who Jesus is. Jesus is the one true Messiah. He came to save the lost, like me, He loves us so much he was willing to give everything to purchase our redemption. 

I love when Jesus knocks at the door of my heart. He knocks often and we sup together, but sometimes, moments with God are electrifying. His word comes alive, more than just comforting words on a page. I'm convicted and challenged, I'm affected by His word and I "check myself." The moment sticks to the walls of my mind and I tell everyone that listens, about these landmarks that Jesus gives .

As you’re about your business, who do you say Jesus is? 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mothers In The Bible: Jobs Wife



I just finished reading the book of Job in the Old Testament. I read it every year and every year God reveals things to me about him, about me, about me and him and about relationships. I am always amazed at Gods living Word. This year as I began, I asked him to reveal things out of every chapter and to help me to grasp it, apply it and appreciate it. I was stunned by God's view of his son Job. I wondered at the proximity of Satan and the meeting with the “sons of God”. I was amazed by Jobs' vulnerability and I was annoyed by Job's friends, which I had a different view on in previous readings, but the thing that I’m going to focus on in this post is Jobs' wife and Jobs resolve as a husband and priest of his home.

I started to research Jobs' wife, she is another nameless wife in the bible. Then I chose not to since I’m simply giving you a glimpse of what God revealed to me as a fellow wife and mother. this was my take-away in this season.

When I read my bible, especially the Old Testament, I always picture all the unseen details in each story. In Jobs story, my heart went out to Jobs wife also. I imagined their life together. A fruitful couple indeed, and it seems as if those around them were also blessed by their fruitfulness, in business and wealth and with a large family.

Ten kids! Wow! We raised 4 kids and I found myself weary at times. My parents had 9 kids, and raised 8, I know my mother was loaded down with work and exhausted. Job and his wife had raised their 10 kids to be independent with wealth of their own. The bible doesn’t mention grandchildren, but as fruitful as Job and his Mrs. were, I wonder about grandchildren for them. What a beautiful family they must have been and comfy in their wealth. Jobs' wife must have been very happy with her grand family enjoying the benefits that God had bestowed on them. Job was careful to bring his children to God, offering prayers and sacrifices. Being the righteous man that God said he was, it goes without saying that Job as the priest of his home also prayed for his wife and marriage.

As it happens sometimes, a whirlwind of crisis hits a family and they are left with a gaping hole in their lives. Job and his wife, in one moment ALL their kids died. Just like that, this mother had her children ripped out of her life, not to mention the loss of their property. Oh my goodness what pain! In all my years I’ve had pain and loss, but not to this degree. I clearly remember my extreme losses. I can remember what some of my thoughts were like, some of them very dark. The numbness from sudden loss and the inability to keep on living suffocated me at times. Jobs wife had probably not even grasp the graveness of her losses when suddenly her husband is hit with some sort of skin disorder. His strength taken from her, the boils on his body made him completely unaccessible, it must have seemed to her that she had nothing left in her world. Job was in so much pain, mental, emotional and now physical that it took everything he had to keep his thoughts right. Peace and security were ripped right from under them, not just him. How did they survive?
Perhaps Jobs wife was thrust into a deep pit of vile bile. She was submerged into bitterness, anger, unbelief, maybe even hatred. I think that most people read the book of Job and consider what terrible pain and suffering he endured, never considering Jobs wife, the wife of his youth, his life partner. She too felt deep pain and wondered at his patience in the midst of their pain.

Is it a wonder that Jobs wife said in Job 2:9 “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” She too knew who the author of life was. She knew that God was all powerful and could do anything. Why wasn't he doing anything to help them? She understood that God was aware of all that they had lost and her all her emotions were summed up in this one comment to Job. I wonder, did she have anyone to talk to? It seemed that Job was in too much pain, but again, being the righteous conscientious man of God that he was, he must have seen her pain, but it was a time to wait on God, his recorded words demonstrate his own shock and utter confusion as to "why" things happened as they did. Maybe she thought Job didn’t care about her?
At this point Jobs' integrity meant her own recovery, peace and eternal destiny. Maybe she just needed her husband's faithfulness to reach out to her. As a wife of almost 36 years, married to the same man, both of us believing in Christ for our lives and our children's lives, there are times that my husband's stubborn fidelity to Jesus the Saviour of the world, keeps me grounded, even when I go off the deep end because of continuous painful situations. I heard one pastor say it like this in a marriage seminar. “It’s as if your wife is attached to you with a bungee cord and every once in a while she will jump off the cliff and all you can do for your wife is hang on to God's truth.” Stand strong man of God, that is the help she needs from you. Job said to his wife, “You speak as one of the foolish women speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil (disaster)” So much said in these few words. Be still my wife, wait on God, trust him. Let's face the pain.

It’s interesting that we don't hear her voice again. However, From reading the rest of the story of Job, they waited, and it wasn’t waiting without visible agony, but it was with a transparent faith in the God of all creation and God visited Job, I do wonder if his wife was there for that terrible and glorious visitation.

When God healed and restored to Job all his losses back to him, it was to his wife also. My biological clock regarding pregnancy and babies is having a hard time processing this, but regardless, Job and his wife were restored. In his later years he was healthy and strong and it’s very likely that she was too. Their wealth was doubled and they had 7 more sons and 3 beautiful daughters. Through it all, Job worshiped the Blesser rather than the blessings, including his wife and she was blessed.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Prayer Time and Grandkids

Prayer is important to me. The Different times, the different ways, with different people, but always to the one true God; Jesus Christ. 

I posted this on my "other blog"

 I had a recent comment on it and it prompted me reread it, then I decided it was fitting to post it here. 

    My Middle of the Day Prayer Time With My Grandsons.

I have been reading and hearing a lot about the power of prayer. Pero que este bien claro, that I’m speaking about praying to Jesus Christ, God Almighty. Y pues I’ve been asking, you know, praying, that He would enlarge me so that I might pray with confidence to the God who wants to bless me as He does His will here on earth. 

Pray often, pray sincerely, pray with faith, pray without ceasing, pray with child-like faith and pray for others. Hijole! Luego, I wonder, if we did do prayer like this, what would that look like? 

Often- as in frequently. Hmmm, in the morning, in the middle of the day, en la tarde and at bedtime. Is that often Lord?

Sincerely-like with an engaged mind, not just repetition. With feeling, like what I’m bringing to the prayer room is heavy Lord, I need help…desperately.

Without ceasing-like that request is always, on my mind, with persistence until something happens.

With Childlike faith- like with brutal honesty, with complete expectancy that I will get an answer, with confidence that my Abba Father is paying attention to me. With assurance that my request isn’t outrageous, impossible, bothersome or absolutely out of the question, for Him.

Praying for others-applying all of the above, allowing your heart to be burdened by someone else’s need for a miracle, need for relief, need for break through. 

That’s what I've been practicing. El otro dia,  my grandsons were around and I was going to stop my busyness and pray. I decided to pray in front of them. I don't have to describe what little boys' energy level is like, verdad? Off the charts! They were busy playing, arguing and strategies all at once, while jumping around. I was getting dizzy. Y de repente, Ama says, “I’m gonna pray boys, do you have something you want me to pray about for you? They looked at me like I was speaking in Spanish (a foreign language to them.)  Daniella says they’re learning though, que Dios los bendiga!  When I repeated my question they thought about it and gave their requests to me. Braye, the 7 year old, said he must have more play time with his dad. Judah the 6 year old said “I want to pray for more food” (he said that while clearing the crumbs from his shirt after his snack) and Marcus the 9 year old, was over thinking how to put in his request, definitely not thinking with child-like simplicity at that moment.  

I started praying. I have to close my eyes when I pray, helps me not to be distracted. As I was trying to gather all my thoughts, trying to be sincere and fervent, I noticed the absolute silence. No fidgeting. Que?! Those rambunctious little boys were intently listening. Hijole! The pressure. I forced my thoughts to focus and pray sincerely. I prayed for others and then more others and they were still, 15 minutes of calm, I was amazed. Pero, as soon as they heard their petition voiced their attention was gone. Y por supuesto I wondered if I would be able to engage them into my prayer time again.

En Conclusion

Praying in the middle of the day is usually a very intentional act. I have my alarm set, because if I don’t, in all my busyness I’ll pass it right up. Sometimes it’s incredible, other times it's ok, not much emotion, because I’m focusing and struggling to stay engaged. De repente, in my frustration, as I’m reaching out gathering all the loose random thoughts that interrupt my prayer,  Jesus lets me know, he hears me. He sups with me and I cry. Y mira, other times I’m moving right along, somedays the long list worries me, que tonta! My God is not intimidated by a long list. Por supuesto que sabes, God is always with us, verdad? But, sometimes his presence is so very present, He fills the room, my little living room is electrified suddenly.That afternoon with my little grandsons, something good happened! As they listened, they also believed and I was extra glad for my mid day prayer partners that day.  God hugged us all that day, I could tell they liked it and so did I.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Mothers in The Bible


The graphic events of the bible provoke such dramatic reactions from me. After the shock, anger and indignation has settled, I tend to wonder what in the world would I do if I was faced with these things, especially those things that happened to women and mothers. I’ve been reading and rereading my bible for a long time and I’m still moved by these true stories.  My pastor always says “every word in the bible is there for a reason” and so if God stops me or slows me down in these places, I need to pay close attention.

For example

Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11-12: A quick synopsis. The daughter of a high official in King Davids government, she marries a dedicated military man, Uriah, one of David's mighty men. Bathsheba and Uriah do not have children.We don't know how long they were married before the king takes notice of her. King David decides to take her and sleep with her. She conceived! Then Uriah, her husband, is disposed of by the king. For a very short time she is a widow  because King David marries her. The baby is born, a son! Looks like everything is gonna be ok and they can go on together as a happy family and serve the living God. Then the baby is struck with sickness, her motherhood is tested, 7 days her son lies sick and dies. Then she conceives again!  In total David and Bathsheba had four sons, Solomon was the youngest and chosen as the next king. 

It seems like everything in Bathsheba's life happened so very quickly, like there was no time to process things. She’s embroiled in an extra marital affair with the king?! She finds out she’s pregnant?!!! A baby?! A long awaited baby, but he’s not her husband's child. She keeps everything quiet?! Her husband is killed in battle?! A pregnant widow?! Oh my goodness! A baby in her arms, a beautiful baby boy! Oh what love! I clearly remember the first time I laid eyes on my first born baby, my son, immediately I was inlove and attached to him.Then her baby dies, oh what sorrow. What confusion, what pain. All of this happened to her because King David made a decision after looking at her. He desired her and took her.  I truly hope I’m not sounding like a man hater, I’m not. I love and appreciate the blessing of the men in my life. This post is about reactions to the circumstances of life. (David, despite all his human frailty is considered a hero and mighty man of God. He was a man of faith in the one true God. Davids experiences with God, and Gods protection and parenting over him demonstrates God's incredible love, patience and mercy. It was not that David was good or bad, it was David's heart devotion and unshakable faith in God. Davids life and Psalms give me hope)

Back to Bathsheba. Incredible, how the cycle of life continues and we cannot get caught in the rolling wheel because of bitterness, regret, anger, sorrow and more-life goes on. How was Bathsheba's mind and heart? Only God could help her through all of this and he did. 

Later in 1 Kings 2: 19-23  Bathsheba's son Solomon became king after David. In this episode also,  things happen so quickly. Through selfishness, betrayal and narcissism Solomon's older brother Adonijah tries to take the kingdom. One moment Bathshebas life and her son's life is hanging in the balance, then suddenly her son is on the throne and she is mother of the king. Solomon is barely on the throne when Adonijah approaches his mother. Why did Bathsheba consider his request? She was wary of him. yet did she pity him? Did she think he cared for her son the King? What was the right response? He was her stepson after all, what would it look like to ignore him? Was it carelessness or fear that prompted this mother? Or was it that she knew her son the king would simply do what was needed with this request? 

Things That A Mother Must Remember:

Even in times of victory keep your guard up for the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy you. Even in these moments of “glory”  a vigilant praying stance needs to be firmly practiced. 

Even when the leader, the man in charge is yQueeour son, he is still the one in charge. Be careful to respect the place of his leadership.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Expect God To Fullfill His Promises


This post might be all over the place as I separate things in my head. These thoughts come from a very real need I have and I am approaching my very real God, knowing that I can. 


What can I expect from God? Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen. What is your expectation based on? On facts? Is your expectation resting on the past? Is your expectation based on your accomplishments?  My expectation is based on Gods promises. God promises many things besides eternal life. I expect salvation, deliverance, miracles, healings, breakthroughs, peace, provision, protection and joy. If I’m asking God to provide for me financially, I expect that he will. However, if I’m limiting God to a way, a time, a place, a specific pay or job, then I’m not basing it on his promise to provide all my needs. If I expect God to fulfill His promises, then I will completely trust him.


Entitlement is a right to a particular privilege or benefit granted by law or custom.

I am nervous to even approach the examination of this word because I’ve always seen it in a negative view, until just now. 

When I believed and accepted Christ as my Savior, this entitled me to be Gods child. His daughter! This is huge! I know that as a mother I give my children access to me and in my limited resources when they with son/daughter privilege come to me I do all that I can to help them and bless them. Now God, the omnipotent God of the universe gives me access into his kingdom?! He does. So long as my faith is in Christ, I can approach my Abba Father all day long. However, entitlement gets twisted and knotted when I believe I actually deserve all the gifts God gives me. Then follows the attitude of ungratefulness. Yes, as Gods beloved child I can ask him for anything, I can expect good from him, but what I, a sinner, deserve he doesn’t give me. Instead He gives me mercy and pulls me out of the path to hell. He gives me grace and helps me choose His Narrow Path. 


Faith is believing what I cannot see, like Almighty God.  As I seek Jesus, my God my faith grows and it fuels my hope. Now, hope sees the ugly and prays for beauty from the ashes of destruction. Faith fueled by hope will pray for the impossible, expecting God to do his good will, in his perfect time. It is only when my eyes are on the blessing, the thing I’m praying for. When I’m praying and hoping for a certain outcome, and I hold my breath until this thing happens but it doesn’t, that's when hope is deferred. At this point my hope has been placed on something. But all is not lost, God is merciful, and he helps me look past the “desired thing” to Him. When my ultimate hope is in Christ and his plan I will rest, yes rest in Gods promises. 

Then I can confidently conclude that I should expect God to fulfill his promises, as I am his daughter, part of his family and house and legally entitled to his treasures because of the sacrifice of Jesus. Therefore I will hope in God and be grateful for the Resurrection.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

What Gives You Pleasure?


                               Pleasure: A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.

Who do you love so much that your heart pitter patters? Who affects you so much that you are in fairytale land and you can't think straight at times? Who fills your calendar up, your days and hours?Who has captured your heart that your life, mind and days are given to that person? What insurmountable pleasure do you get from him or them?

What is it that you want very much? What is it that draws you, then pulls you? What is it that motivates and energizes you and your day flys by? What tangible thing do you want so much that it draws your attention and pulls you into action? What do you derive such pleasure from that everything else can wait?

This morning those questions filled my mind and my heart  as I prayed for my children. The reality struck me.

I do love my treasures- Ben, my husband of 35 years has the ability to excite me. Just last night I was looking at him admiring him still, and I loved him more. He can break my heart, that's how much my heart is in his hand. He can steal my days and fill them with him and maybe I would complain, but in the end I would give him my time and strength. After my husband are my children. Oh they have a way to get me to help them and stop my life to focus on theirs. They are fun loving people. I get so much pleasure from light conversation with laughter or deep talks that make me appreciate them more. 

I love reading a good book and get so caught up I'll ignore my chores. I can also get caught up in a good podcast. When I have a coffee date with my bestie, it can go on for hours, theres so much to catch up on. I love to have company, the more the better. Although I'm tired, and regardless of my budget,  I love to serve up delicious meals. In these things my pleasure abounds. 

I love sunny days. I love a picked and clean house. I love hugs and kisses from my grandchildren. I love hearing their baby voices.  I love...

These are a few of my pleasures. 

Another pleasure I've experienced is the incredible tangible presence of the Lord God as I'm praying. When I'm feeling the warring of  my flesh, He grabs my attention: James 4:1 What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this,that your passions (pleasures) are at war within you? I do a fact check assessment of my life, it's like picking up all the mess and now I can sup with Jesus and get a right perspective. It is a restful pleasure indeed! When I'm in turmoil, He soothes me.  James 1:5 If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you. So gracious and so kind when I draw near to him. Then, when things are all straightened out I can ask God, I can bring my petitions to him with confidence. James 4:3 You ask and do not recieve because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions (pleasures). 

A final thought about the pleasure. Sometimes, there are people or things in this life that we are fiercely defensive about. We appropriate these things. There are people we will sacrifice everything for. We lose sleep, time and money to keep that certain pleasure. We plan our days to include our pleasure into them. We rise early for our pleasure, we stay up late for our pleasure. 

Oh that we could be like that about our relationship and time with Jesus. Our prayer time. Jesus knocks at the door of our heart, I don't know if he knocks everyday, or just once a day, but it's a fact that he knocks. Rev 3:20. IF we hear him?! But IF he is our pleasure why wouldn't we hear and immediately open the door to him? Why in the world Christian, would you not make room in your day to sup with Jesus? Or cut out the whole day for Him? There is pleasure in communion with Jesus.